Mega Man USA Box Covers


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I wanted to show off the American boring box art for the Mega Man series on the NES and Game Boy. The artwork was horrible from box 1 on the NES and got a little better as the series went on but Monday when I post the artwork for Japan releases you’ll see how it’s much easier to get pumped up to play! The Game Boy artwork was passable in my opinion except for the first one. These are custom cases holding my actual games and manuals from Custom Game Cases.

Book Review: MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works

25 Years!

In honor of Mega Man Month today, I’ll be giving a short review of the art book MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works (ISBN: 978-1926778860). This 432-page monolith covers every aspect of Mega Man artwork as of 2013.

The book contains AWESOME original illustrations of the robot masters, enemies, and Mega Man, and pals! Interviews with the original concept artists talk about the history and creation of some of the imagery that went from page to screen.

While this book is VERY expensive now as it’s been out of print I was fortunate to pick this up on Mercari for about $35 bucks after I negotiated with the seller. So it can be found if you keep looking! The illustrations are SUPER COLORFUL and a joy to behold.

The book follows the format of a game cover (no promo logos on it like NES or Famicom logos), then the robot masters and Mega Man, followed by the enemies and elements of each level. There are collages along with some artist notes along the side!

All in all, if you are a Blue Bomber fan you must have this book! It’s great to see the evolution from Mega Man 1 / concept art to Mega Man X all-in-one large coffee table book.

I’ve taken some pics and put together a gallery for you below:


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Capcom: The founding Company

CAPCOM is the creating company of the Blue Bomber (Mega Man / Rock Man). I did some research and found this WIKI Article about the company. I did not know they did Resident Evil their highest grossing game. Mega Man 1 grossed almost 40 million copies alone.

Covers Featuring: Mega / Rock Man

I wanted to share this post my best friend and console collector of my game room did. He did an expose on the difference of covers between the U.S. and Japan. Well worth a read. He produced and designed my custom covers for Famicom and Game Boy which I’ll be showcasing in another post later this month.

Loot Crate: Books!

I know we are just starting Mega Man month but I got some new, well used books in today. They were all so cheap the only one with damage was the yellow one the top of the spine is messed up pretty bad but it was only 6 bucks so I can’t really complain. I’ll be doing reviews of the books as I read / explore them. Being a former 10 year Art Director a couple books are technical art books. All were purchased used to save me quite a bit of money. They’ve been on my wish list since they came out and now they have been in circulation long enough to get them for good prices.

Arcade Game Typography: The Art of Pixel Type
FF DOT: The Pixel Art of Final Fantasy (Final Fantasy Dot)
The Nostalgia Nerd’s Retro Tech: Computer, Consoles and Games (TECH CLASSICS)
The Game Console: A History in Photographs