Got my hands on this before the scalpers did on Amazon by pre-ordering in June!
Got my hands on this before the scalpers did on Amazon by pre-ordering in June!
I know it’s not Mega Man but wanted to show this one off! Finally made the plunge and picked up the limited River City 2 fan game from Mercari!!! I’m a huge RCR fan probably more than Mega Man so I wanted to share the loot. When I get to discussing he Kunio series I’ll be binging this up and the rest!
Also picked up a used copy of the Kirby tabletop art book. Great illustrations and images from all the games!!!
Custom Rock Man covers done by Jared as the original Japan boxes were smaller and in a wider rectangle format. It’s to be noted each cart was also a different color. To me making the whole thing a lot more fun!
Just wanted to showcase some non-video game related things in my collection. We have a light called a Pixel Pal that plugs in with a USB cable. This guy has been burning solid for over 2 years now! And an action figure of Mega Man!
Ever wonder what those slick robot masters weaknesses are? Wonder what order to fight them in? Fear not fellow players! I’ve scanned the box insert from the Mega Man Legacy Collection on PS4 in ultra high resolution and it is in a PDF format! This guide details all their weaknesses and what order you should fight them! Download, conquer and enjoy!