Gameboy? Pffffttt… Game & Watch is where it’s at!

Upcoming article! I have to do the photography now. Anyway, the article is all about the Nintendo Game & Watch games! Pre-Gameboy, some Pre-NES, and some during the NES. So many fun games! The hardest part is getting ahold of them due to their new collectible market. I was able to get a lot of mine before the market exploded. What I have left is to shoot 8 games. I’d like to do a proper shoot with the ones that open / close like a clamshell LONG before the Nintendo DS they were pushing dual-screen technology. I don’t want to say much more at this point as I don’t want to ruin my 1-2 minute read and pictorial. Enjoy the picture above of Super Mario Bros. and yup that one is in the collection! I’m going to leave you with a stroll down memory lane with a picture of Babbage’s! The place to get your PC Demo on floppy, and eventually cartridge video games! These stores lived in malls and they were one more reason to visit your local mall!