
A peek inside NES Endings Compendium!

I thought I’d show just a few pages of what to expect if you buy this book. No page shows off their book like Bitmap does. It’s an independent publisher. Enjoy the screen caps! If you like what you see pick it up. I’m enjoying it there are a lot of games I’ve not played which is hard to believe.

Fresh off the press!

As any reader knows I pledged to Kickstarter for 3 books. The first one is hot off the presses and just got to my house! It’s the second book in a set called NES Endings Compendium. I have the first one in hardcover (yes I’m a sucker for hardcover art books and fact books like this). So it came and the printing quality is spot on! I was expecting this one to have the quality of the first one and I was not disappointed. In the pictures of the book, you’ll see what I picked up at my pledge level.

First, we have the book. Second, a poster showing all the titles of 1990 with boxes for completed, sell, own (I think sell and own), and a bookmark. The picture of the book open shows one of my favorite games on the NES and then subsequent titles on other platforms to this day. River City Ransom! I have one too many books to get through and I have 3 more on the way one from England and the others as far as I know are stateside. The other two are the ones from my Kickstarter pledge post. The third is another Bitmap Book which I’ll post when it gets here from across the pond.

Not really an exciting post but hey I needed to fill the void! Enjoy the pics!

Troubleshooting over…PHEW!

Had a few days of helping users on the Codeweavers forum and Discord. Threw a troll into a cage for being a jackass and I’m beta-testing the new version. I know all of this is taking away from my site. We have some snow all over the darn place here. So today despite medical issues gotta go snowblow the driveway which isn’t short but isn’t crazy long either. I think I’m going to get an article up about yet another book but this one was one of the 3 I helped with Kickstarter so I wanted to show it off. I didn’t do the tier where my name is in the back on this one but that’s no big deal 🙂 I also have good lighting so far despite the overcast. I will set up a photo area to get shots of all my Nintendo Game and Watch games for the next story I have just about finished. So that’s about all I have at this 8 o’clock hour. Lots to do today. I’m going to get out and start snow blowing shortly so I can get my beef stew in the crockpot and start photography!

Till then here’s a picture of Nickelodeon bumper.

Arrrgghhh! Busy doing troubleshooting!

Hey all so as you know I did a big expose on Crossover by Codeweavers. Well, I’m very active in their discord and their forums for the Mac version of their software. Well between all the help I’m doling out I’ve had numerous medical appointments. I still have to shoot the G & W games for my article. I’m hoping to do this within the next day or so. I just honestly don’t want to open them from the way I have them displayed in custom bags for NES Manuals (they fit perfectly in them.

Do you use Crossover for Linux or Mac? Do you enjoy G & W games? Drop me a line in the comments section to let me know if there’s a desire for the articles. If I don’t hear from anyone I’m still gonna post them! Why? It’s my site LOL! Till the next article I leave you with a toy line that I always thought was fun! There were blue and orange ants and I think their butts glowed in the dark if I remember! They are called Army Ants. They were always in the cheap section of the toy aisles due to the fact they didn’t do much. But I enjoyed the one pack of blues I had!

Gameboy? Pffffttt… Game & Watch is where it’s at!

Upcoming article! I have to do the photography now. Anyway, the article is all about the Nintendo Game & Watch games! Pre-Gameboy, some Pre-NES, and some during the NES. So many fun games! The hardest part is getting ahold of them due to their new collectible market. I was able to get a lot of mine before the market exploded. What I have left is to shoot 8 games. I’d like to do a proper shoot with the ones that open / close like a clamshell LONG before the Nintendo DS they were pushing dual-screen technology. I don’t want to say much more at this point as I don’t want to ruin my 1-2 minute read and pictorial. Enjoy the picture above of Super Mario Bros. and yup that one is in the collection! I’m going to leave you with a stroll down memory lane with a picture of Babbage’s! The place to get your PC Demo on floppy, and eventually cartridge video games! These stores lived in malls and they were one more reason to visit your local mall!