March 2025


Hello everyone,

I know it’s been almost a month since a new post. I have to say my medical conditions are to blame for that. It seems like lately every single day I’m at a medical facility of some kind. Meaning my mood to create and write and photograph things is at a low again.

I have a few articles I just need to do photography for and my goal is to get them done at some point this week.

Coming up: California Games – The VHS board game of the late 80s, Nintendo Game and Watch – along with my collection, and a few NEW books that I have not shown here.

Due to my condition, I’ve also traded in my 12-foot camper for a 20-footer, which will be much easier to climb in and out of. Getting two 80+ lb dogs into it should also be much less of a challenge. And it has a shitter that will NEVER be used, so there’s that. So I can’t be like cousin Eddie dumping my sewage into the storm drain in the middle of winter “Shitter was full!”

So there you have a lineup of what’s the come not all this week my first goal is to cover California Games, a VHS board game! I have a couple of other board games also arriving this week I’ve wanted since one launched and the other when I was in late High School. Found them at great prices even with shipping (Come on do something about those shipping prices gov!)

Anyway, here’s the update and a road map! I just gotta get back into the swing of things after all this other real-life B.S. hit me.

Until then here’s a bit of a promo for Laser Disc!